Kindness is Contagious
Kindness is contagious. Here are over 25 ways that you can evoke kindness into your daily lives. Try to do at least one a day, notice how great you feel.
- Send someone a hand written note of thanks.
- Make a card at home and send it to a friend for no reason.
- Buy a lottery ticket for a stranger.
- Put some coins in someone else’s parking meter.
- Buy a coffee for the man on the high street selling The Big Issue magazine.
- Cut your neighbour’s hedge.
- Walk your friend’s dog.
- Give a compliment about your waiter / waitress to his / her manager.
- Send someone a small gift anonymously.
- Stop and help someone replace their flat tyre.
- Let someone jump the queue at the bank.
- Pay for the drinks on the next table at a café.
- Treat a friend to the movies for no reason.
- Give a huge tip to someone when they least expect it.
- Hold the train door open for someone rushing to get in.
- Give up your seat for someone, not just an elderly person.
- Write notes of appreciation at least once a week.
- Talk to a homeless person and have a “normal” conversation.
- Pick up some rubbish in the road which would otherwise be lying around.
- Compliment a work colleague for their excellence.
- Recommend a competitor to a potential client.
- Give another driver your parking spot.
- Give a piece of fruit to a delivery person.
- Help an elderly neighbour carry the rubbish out.
- Tell all your family members how much your appreciate them.
- Leave a copy of an interesting book on a train / bus.
- Buy an inspirational book for a friend.
- Send a thank you note to a person who has helped you in the past.
- Smile a lot.